03 July 2015

Further Lucifer Effect Resources


The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills

Cold War to the Terror War by Alfred McCoy, the shocking photographs from Abu Ghraib are nothing new.

Escape from Freedom by Eric Fromm, this classic reminds us of the first step a fascist leader takes even in a nominally democratic society.

The Torture Papers: The Road to Abu Ghraib by Karen Greenberg and Joshua Dratel, exposing the perversion of legal skills by government lawyers.

Oath Betrayed by Steven H. Miles professor of medicine and bioethics.

Without Sanctuary, a documentary catalogue of lynching postcards

Photography of the Holocaust by Janina Struk


Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment [1985]

Das Experiment is a German film based on the SPE that has been widely shown around the world.

Repetition by Polish artist ArturZmijewski. A forty-six minute film that highlights the seven days paid volunteers spent in his mock prison.

Faces of the Enemy, Sam Keen show how archetypes of the enemy are created by visual propaganda that most nations use against those judged to be the dangerous “them,” “outsiders,” “enemies.”

The Marine Machine a full, graphic depiction of the making of a Marine by William Mares

The Wave, a powerful docudrama of this simulated Nazi experience captured the transformation of good kids into pseudo Hitler Youth.

Suicide Killers by French filmmaker Pierre Rehov viewed many Palestinians in Israeli jails who were caught before detonating tier bombs or had abetted would-be attacks.



Stanford Prison Experiment” is the name of a rock band from Los Angeles whose intense music is a fusion of punk and noise, according to its leader, who learned about the SPE as a student at UCLA.


The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. British statesman Edmund Burke

We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil. Martin Luther King

Influence Tactics
Three simple influence tactics that have been consistently studied and documented by social psychologist: the foot-in-the door tactic, social modeling, and self-labeling of helpfulness.

[1] Our slow ascent into goodness step by step makes use of what social psychologists call the “foot-in-the-door” tactic. This tactic begins by first asking someone to do a small request, which most people readily perform, and then later on to ask them to comply with a related but much bigger request, which was the actual goal all along.

[2] Altruistic role models increase the likelihood that those around them will engage in positive, pro-social behavior.

[3] Give someone an identity label of the kind that you would like them to have as someone who will then do the action you want to elicit from them. When you tell a person that he or she is helpful, altruistic, and kind, that person is more likely to do helpful, altruistic, and kind behaviors for others.

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